Features you cannot do without for Analytical Reporting

Posted on April 9, 2020 by

Analytical reporting uses qualitative and quantitative data to enable strategists to make data driven decisions based on evidence and analytics. These decisions impact a company for better or worse. Here are 5 features you cannot do without for Analytical Reporting: Visualize your data to understand trends and see dips: Visual summary of information makes it […]

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Posted under Product Updates

Custom Bid & User Level Analytics

Posted on March 17, 2020 by

Custom Bid & User Level Analytics Enabled by deep insights at the intersection of USERs, URLs & BIDs Tercept’s platform can track, on-board & make available all your user behaviour data, ad-server log-level data & ad-exchange/SSP log-level data enabling unprecedented depth & understanding of your users & how they are being monetized. We know that […]

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What’s your strategy for growing your direct ad revenues as we enter a new cookie-free era in 2020?

Posted on January 6, 2020 by

As we begin 2020, I wanted to share some major industry trends that are going to impact everybody in ad-tech significantly going forwards. Having a good understanding of these developments will help all of us be better prepared for what is going to come. I know it’s a lengthy read, but I have compiled the […]

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Posted under Yield Optimisation

Google Ad Manager Unified Pricing Rules & Google Ad Exchange First Price Auctions – Demystified

Posted on July 2, 2019 by

Google recently announced that they would move Google Ad Exchange auctions to first price from their current method of second price. Further, they also announced a new structure for setting Floor Prices called Unified Pricing Rules (as opposed to Open Auction Pricing Rules, which is set to deprecate shortly). There seems to be a great […]

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Posted under Yield Optimisation

We’ve added support for Paypal

Posted on June 16, 2019 by

Paypal is an online financial service that allows you to receive payments. It allows you to transfer the money to one of your assigned bank accounts. A PayPal business account makes it fast and easy for businesses just getting started, as well as those that are more established, to accept and process credit card payments, […]

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Posted under Product Updates

Now we support Pushengage

Posted on April 4, 2019 by

PushEngage is a push notifications platform for both web and mobile, created to help sales and marketing teams segment and send web push messages automatically. The software enables sales teams and marketers to group or segment their target audience based on custom criteria such as their landing page URLs, browsed URL history, and location among […]

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Posted under Product Updates

We’ve added support for Zemanta

Posted on March 20, 2019 by

Zemanta offers unified campaign tracking, impression-level decisioning-making abilities and integrations with first and third party data platforms to help you meet your native advertising objectives. Zemanta has Built-in impression, click and conversion tracking and provides Real-time analytics. To authenticate, Zemanta REST API uses two-legged OAuth2 authentication using client credentials. The client credentials are used to […]

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Posted under Product Updates

Integrating with Amazon affiliate

Posted on February 26, 2019 by

Amazon’s affiliate program, also known as Amazon Associates, is an affiliate marketing program that allows users to monetize their websites, blogs or social media. Amazon affiliate users simply place links to Amazon products on their site, and when a customer makes a purchase via one of their links, the user receives a commission. Amazon provides […]

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Posted under Product Updates

Learn how you can integrate Tercept with Revcontent

Posted on February 5, 2019 by

Revcontent is a native advertising platform, allowing publishers a way to monetize their site and advertisers a way to drive traffic. For publishers, Revcontent widgets can be featured on their site with advertisers bidding for placements, generating revenue for the publisher. With flexible technology, Revcontent widgets are exclusive to the world’s best premium publishers. Publishers […]

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Posted under Product Updates

Have you analysed pricing-rule performance by size for multi-size ad units?

Posted on December 21, 2018 by

In one of our previous blogs: Experiment 1: Cost of running Google Multi-size AdUnits – Pricing Rules Become Redundant, we spoke about how Ad Exchange Pricing Rules become redundant if you are using a multi-size ad unit. Let’s say you have an ad unit with multiple sizes: 300×250 and 320×50, both the sizes are included […]

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Posted under Tips & Best Practices