Introducing our most sought-after feature yet: Custom Groupings

We just released our most sought-after feature yet: Custom Groupings

Our customers have been asking us to provide a feature where they are able to define their own customized groupings of any dimension. For example: Many of our customers get traffic from multiple countries. However, it does not make sense to analyse data across 200 odd countries. Our customers end up aggregating similar performing countries into groups and analyse data accordingly. Similarly, some of our other customers bunch AdUnits into logical groups like categories or adslot-types. All of this being a major manual overhead as of now.

There it is, Tercept now allows you to do just that, and with ease!

You can now define your own custom grouping of any dimension and Tercept will reflect it as a new customized dimension automatically on the dashboard across all your partners.

So, if you are analyzing data across multiple countries by bunching them into manageable groups or if you are grouping your inventory into categories or verticals; if you are struggling with analyzing data across key-values or grouping inventory into banner-types/slot-types, Tercept’s Custom Grouping is the perfect answer to all your problems.

As always, everything on Tercept is fully automated, real-time and built to suit your specific requirements. So that you spend less time juggling logins/preparing reports and spend more time generating insights, closing deals & serving your customers.

If you are interested in trying out Tercept, get in touch today.

It’s time to enjoy your data!

Gourav Chindlur
CEO, Tercept

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