Verizon Media

Verizon Media

The biggest challenge faced by digital publishers is to collect and aggregate data from its various data points. We make it easy to collect, organize and present any form of structured & un-structured data. We can collect data through any connections you use and present them in one place.

Adding Verizon Media connector is easy. Use your credentials and Tercept will extract your data. See your metrics on our Unified Analytics Dashboard instantly.

Dimension Metrics
Ad Format Type 1V Ad Impressions 1V
Ad Name 1V Ad Opportunities 1V
Ad Type Name 1V Ad Revenue One Video
Country Ads Clicked 1M
Country Name Adt Ads Delivered 1M
Device Category 1V Ads Served 1M
Device Name 1V Hb Pub Total Impressions Adt
Device Sub Category 1V Impressions
Device Type Name Adt Net Revenue Adt
Inventory Source Name Publisher Revenue Non Rtb 1M
Location Name RTB Requests Adt
Marketplace Connection Name RTB Revenue Adt
Media Type 1V Requests In 1M
Placement Requests Out 1M
Player Type Name Revenue
Scaled Day 1M SSP Entered Adt
Site 1M Scaled Day 1V
Zone 1M